Different Animal Names In Spanish

Cabrera Spanish From various place names derived from Late Latin capraria meaning place of goats.
Different animal names in spanish. El tigre la tigresa male tiger female tiger or tigress. Learn zoo animals farm animals African animals Preschool an. Spanish is known as a passion-infused language so theres no shortage of cute nicknames in Spanish.
El pez - Fish. Spanish words can also double as excellent dog names. If you need to distinguish between the female and male of a species and there arent separate names you can use the invariable adjective hembra or macho respectively.
La vaca el toro cow bull. Águila eagle toro bull perro dog or gato cat are some of the names in Spanish of the animals that are living on Earth. M means that a noun is masculine.
Female Spanish Dog Names. You will find all of our animals below. 1039 Spanish Baby Girl Names With Meanings.
El perico - Parakeet. Here are the names for some common pets in Spanish. Field Guide to the Birds of Cuba.
Fun Spanish Dog Names. Spanish pet names for your partner in public. The description is the meaning and history write-up for the name.